Archive for December, 2017

Dealing with todays world

December 23, 2017

I know this is the Christmas season and we are close to Christmas day and we should focus and shout for joy that our Savior came to earth to save us from our sins. But I want to help us understand what Christ taught us in getting along in this world.
I am using Dr. David Jeremiah to help us understand. I think it is important tor us to be renewed in being firm in our Christian commitment.
The first is to be Faithful-Honoring God and His world every day can be the best way to influence those of this world.. Philippians 2:15
Second is to be Gracious. Showing restraint and respect for authority even when it is in conflict with our values. -James 1:19
Third be Vigilant.Pray for Gods intervention in matters that seem beyond our control.
James 1:5
Fourth Be Steadfast Trust in God and have the faith that He is in control and will deliver the ultimate victory.Proverbs 3

Fifth be Strong Ask God to give us the strength and resolve to deliver Gods message in truth with grace, love and compassion. I Corinthians 16:13-14.
Sixth Be Consistent Changing our culture will not be a short term result but will take time.
Daniel was consistent and we should be too. Daniel 1:21

We should in our personal walk with Christ and in our bible and study groups review these
guides to making a difference in this sometimes dark world. We are called to make disciples of all the world baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. By following these guides our light will shine in the world and people will be attracted to us by our Christian behavior.

Yes we celebrate God in the flesh and we should celebrate Gods word that moves us in faith through today’s world. Merry Christmas!